2020/07/21 英語学習メモ 213日目: 超長期戦。それ自体を楽しめる要素があるのはありがたい



カンバセーションクエスチョン初中級 All About Me: My Goals


テーマは「My Goals」。濃ゆい。


  1. Do you set goals a lot?
  2. Do you prefer big goals or small goals?
  3. What goals do you have now (ex. save money, lose weight)?
  4. What kind of goals did you set when you were in high school (ex. get perfect test scores, get into a good university)?
  5. What kind of goals did you set when you were a child (ex. become an astronaut, learn how to play an instrument)?
  6. What was the last goal you achieved?
  7. What do you do to try to achieve your goals (ex. make a schedule, announce your goal to friends)?
  8. Have you ever given up on a goal?
  9. Did your parents ever set goals for you?
  10. What was the biggest goal you ever achieved?


特に、4,5 あたりの質問についての答えは自分でもすっかり忘れていたのだけど。

I set a goal to become a teacher.
Actually, It has been achieved in a way.
I teach besinessmen about programming now.

I set a goal to become a programmer.
In fact, It has been achieved, too.



I said: I like to video games very much.
Better: I like to play/playing video games very much.

I said: I enrolled another University.
Better: I enrolled in another University.

I said: It is independent and starting on a business.
Better: It is being independent and having my own business.





  • 学習時間: 1.5h
  • 累計学習時間:341.0h → 342.5h
  • レッスン回数: 200回 → 201回
  • レッスン時間: 4975分 → 5000分
  • Anki 今日: 20枚 合計: 3102枚