2020/08/21 英語学習メモ 244日目: 連日イベント&飲みでAnkiがすっかりできていない



カンバセーションクエスチョン初中級 All About Me: My Talents

金曜日はフリートークの日、ということで今回のテーマは「My Talents」。


  1. In school, what subjects were you good at (ex. math, history)?
  2. Do you have any musical talents (ex. singing, dancing)?
  3. Do you have any artistic talents (ex. drawing, painting)?
  4. Do you have any athletic talents (ex. running fast, good balance)?
  5. Do you have any mental talents (ex. good memory, doing math in your head)?
  6. Do you have any unique talents (ex. making your ears move, hearing really well)?
  7. What talents did you teach yourself?
  8. What talents would you like to have?
  9. Do you have any talents that you don’t think are useful?
  10. Have you lost any talents?




I said: I go to drive with my family.
Correct: I go drive with my family.

I said: My best time to run 100 m was 11 seconds.
Correct: My best time was 11 seconds.

I said: I'm not good at sports that are using balls.
Correct: I'm not good at ball sports.



  • 学習時間: 1.5h
  • 累計学習時間:402.0h → 403.5h
  • レッスン回数: 229回目 → 230回
  • レッスン時間: 5700分 → 5725分
  • Anki 今日: 0枚 合計: 3748枚