2021/01/08 英語学習メモ 379日目: フリートークはみっちり準備時間ないとダメね



ビジネスシチュエーションクエスチョン初中級 Out of the Office: At Dinner with a Foreign Client 2





  1. Long time no see, eh? When did we last meet? Two months ago?
  2. Okay, let’s order our drinks. I think I’ll have a beer. How about you?
  3. Shall we order some food too?
  4. The fish and chips here is really good. It tastes like the fish and chips I used to have back home. Have you ever tried it?
  5. It’s been a little hot lately, hasn’t it? I’ve lived here for over 10 years, but I’m still not used to the summer weather. Do you like the heat?
  6. We have a meeting at your office next Thursday, right?
  7. By the way, I may have to go back to the UK for a few weeks next month. Can we discuss the schedule for our next project?
  8. You know, your English is really good. How long have you been studying it?
  9. Oh, I forgot to tell you! A new person just joined my team. He’ll be working with you too. Could I introduce him to you at our next meeting?
  10. By the way, I have plans early tomorrow, so I need to leave here around nine o’clock. Is that okay?

少し寝坊して準備時間が少ししか取れなかった、いくつかの質問については Yes, of cource. とか、 Sure. くらいしか用意できず…汗





  • 学習時間: 1.0h
  • 累計学習時間: 658.5h → 659.5h
  • レッスン回数: 353回目 → 354回目
  • レッスン時間: 8750分 → 8775分
  • Anki 今日: 0枚 合計: 5203枚